Generate CSR with SAN using openssl


Servers now a days have multiple common names, commonly used websites like youtube, have,, as it aliases. So it is not economic to have certificates for individual domain alias names. For tackling ... Read more

GoLang Data Types With Examples

GoLang Data Types With Examples

GoLang Data Types With Examples Datatypes specify the type of data that a variable can hold. Variables are used to store data on memory in a programming language. Go is a statically typed language, which ... Read more

Categories Go

Hello World Example GoLang

Hello World Example GoLang

As a programmer, it is a commonly followed practice to print hello world in the language which you are starting to learn. In this article we will see how to write a hello world program ... Read more

Categories Go

Pretty, Static, Transient Hostnames in Linux

Pretty, Static, Transient Hostnames in Linux

What are the different classes of hostname? Hostname is the name given to machine in the network for identification. In Linux there are three classes of hostname available. Static Hostname Transient Hostname Pretty Hostname Static ... Read more